Shepherding and juniper heaths
What would the Alb be without its sheep?
Probably a dense beech forest. Its spicy-smelling juniper heaths, ancient cultural landscapes, unique in Baden-Württemberg and of archaic beauty, would grow over in no time without the four-legged lawnmowers.
For centuries, the woolly landscape keepers have been nibbling grasses and young shoots here. Only the prickly juniper bushes are not to their liking. At the same time, their appetite sustains one of Europe's most biodiverse ecosystems, habitat for rare animals and plants. Silver thistle, gentian and sand lizard send their regards. To this day, many itinerant shepherds - accompanied by dog and donkey - move across the sunny Alb pastures. The tradition of shepherding has also produced one of the region's most beautiful folk festivals: every two years, the shepherds celebrate their guild at the Urach Shepherd's Run with colorful traditional costumes, dancing, a pageant and the legendary race for the shepherd's crown.